Friday 16 October 2015

The Making of Dreadlord

As I recently finished making my Dreadlord I thought I would do a write up of how I made it.

The first thing I started to make was the helmet.
I started off by warping my head in glad wrap and sticking masking tape over it leaving a gap to breath and see out of. Than I drew a pattern on, and cut down the center.
Once off I cut one half into four parts naming each one.
I than traced each part on to paper, and modified each one slightly to get the shape I wanted. I used the paper to get an idea of how it would look once made.
I than cut out each bit out of foam and Worbla, covered it and stick it all together.
To get the added detail I drew the shape I wanted on to paper folded it and cut out. Than did the same foam/Worbla method.

Than painted.
I wasn't happy with the first shoe Armour I made so I remade them with just foam. I covered the shoes I was going to use in glad wrap and marked out the shape I wanted
Than cut it out in foam. For the attachments I used d rings and than scrap bits of foam to stick the d rings to the foam.
All painted

Once again used glad wrap and masking tape to get a pattern for my torso. I used some scrap EVA foam I had for the neck.

For the skulls I drew the shape on to paper, traced on to foam and covered with Worbla.
I also cut out little bits of Worbla for the teeth
I did the same for the triangle shape which I totally forgot to put on till after painting it. 
For the pauldrons I winged the pattern and did some practice runs for the curve to get the shape right. 
The little rings were made out of scrape Worbla and I hanged the fabric up to the pauldrons, to see how much I needed. Once happy I marked and sewed it together.
I did the same for the cape, only this time I used masking tape.
To attachment the cape I used Velcro as I needed a weird shape.
To make those I cut out three strips the same width, put a triangle at one end and than cut a bit off the top of two. I used Worbla for the balls and the skull. 
Once again glad wraped and masking tape was used to get a pattern of my legs. Than cut out a shape I was happy with, and used it to get a Worbla version. Skulls were cut out and covered in Worbla and stuck on. 

Same with my arm and hands.

I attached each part using hot glue

For the sword I made a paper pattern. Cut out on to two bits of EVA foam and stuck together.

Covered in Worbla.
Details added using Worbla.
Once all done primed and painted and its all finished!

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