Saturday, 6 February 2016

Pile of Shame

Let's admit it, we all have one. Or at least I do, and it's getting worse. Yea I'm talking about the pile of shame. For those who don't know what it is, a pile of shame is or at least it is in the gaming world, a group of games that someone has brought, maybe started but has never finished.

I brought a PS3 not long  Assassin's Creed 3 came out and was able to get it in a bundle deal along with another game and my PS3. Yea I haven't put it into my PS3, I'm that bad. I ended up getting the earlier games so I could play them first and am yet to finish number 2. 

I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but I wasn't like this as a kid. I think it's because when I was a kid, I didn't have a job. So I had more time to play but I also didn't have to money to buy them every time I saw one I wanted. That's along with someone (aka my parents) saying that I don't need it. Which resulted in games being played more than once.

Now I have the job, so I have the money to buy games and no one telling me that I shouldn't. Which is how I have ended up with them all. Along with a very time consuming hobby (aka cosplay) I don't have enough time to play every game. 

Another issue, is that I feel when you buy many games without much thought into is it worth it, it's possible to pick up a game that you thought you would like, but didn't end up liking as much. When you were a kid you had to be a lot more picky with what games you get, but when you have a job and can afford it you don't always have to be so picky.

Hopefully I can cut down on my pile of shame, either go though it and sell some of them or actually play them. Who knows, we will see.

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