Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Shit cosplayers Say

Cosplayers do and say some weird stuff. So I thought I would share some of the weird stuff we say while working on a cosplay with you.

When buying supplies "This should be enough" only to get home and start work on it "I so didn't get enough". Although I have brought supplies for one cosplay and ended up using it for another and not realised till after.

"Shitttttt" Is a pretty common saying when working on cosplay and you make a mistake.

"I so have enough time to make this cosplay before the con" is a pretty common one.

"This won't take long" 5 hours later.

"Needs more hot glue" hot glue is good stuff

"Yea I just need to wrap myself in gladwrap" there is a good reason for this its call patterns

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