Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Shit cosplayers Say

Cosplayers do and say some weird stuff. So I thought I would share some of the weird stuff we say while working on a cosplay with you.

When buying supplies "This should be enough" only to get home and start work on it "I so didn't get enough". Although I have brought supplies for one cosplay and ended up using it for another and not realised till after.

"Shitttttt" Is a pretty common saying when working on cosplay and you make a mistake.

"I so have enough time to make this cosplay before the con" is a pretty common one.

"This won't take long" 5 hours later.

"Needs more hot glue" hot glue is good stuff

"Yea I just need to wrap myself in gladwrap" there is a good reason for this its call patterns

Friday, 12 February 2016

Top Five Presents for That Cosplayer in Your Life

Have a friend or family member who is a cosplay? Is their birthday or Christmas  coming up soon? Need a present? Here no fear, I have some ideas for you.

1. Books! Some cosplayers and prop makers such as Kamui Cosplay, Lighting Cosplay and Punished Props have released books on things like cosplay painting, armour making and prop making. It is worth noting that some of those are downloads.

2. Prints from their favorite cosplayer. Once again a lot of Cosplayers release prints of their cosplays and it is possable to get them signed.

3. A wig for a up coming project. Cosplayers have lists of cosplays they want to do, so no doubt a wig will come in handy.

4. Supplies! Cosplayers go though things like there is no tomorrow. Things like thread and needles, scissors, cutting knifes. 

5. Vouchers for their local fabric and hardware store. Cosplayers spend a lot of time in those kinds of stores so vouchers will be handy.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Pile of Shame

Let's admit it, we all have one. Or at least I do, and it's getting worse. Yea I'm talking about the pile of shame. For those who don't know what it is, a pile of shame is or at least it is in the gaming world, a group of games that someone has brought, maybe started but has never finished.

I brought a PS3 not long  Assassin's Creed 3 came out and was able to get it in a bundle deal along with another game and my PS3. Yea I haven't put it into my PS3, I'm that bad. I ended up getting the earlier games so I could play them first and am yet to finish number 2. 

I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but I wasn't like this as a kid. I think it's because when I was a kid, I didn't have a job. So I had more time to play but I also didn't have to money to buy them every time I saw one I wanted. That's along with someone (aka my parents) saying that I don't need it. Which resulted in games being played more than once.

Now I have the job, so I have the money to buy games and no one telling me that I shouldn't. Which is how I have ended up with them all. Along with a very time consuming hobby (aka cosplay) I don't have enough time to play every game. 

Another issue, is that I feel when you buy many games without much thought into is it worth it, it's possible to pick up a game that you thought you would like, but didn't end up liking as much. When you were a kid you had to be a lot more picky with what games you get, but when you have a job and can afford it you don't always have to be so picky.

Hopefully I can cut down on my pile of shame, either go though it and sell some of them or actually play them. Who knows, we will see.